Rethinking African Paths to Industrial Development

We are dedicated to reframing the way governments, development institutions, businesspeople and the general public think about industrialisation. Our framework emphasizes the development of productive capabilities among developing country firms and workers. This requires purposeful actions by governments to foster domestic private sector capabilities and bring in foreign direct investment.

Why industrialization?

Industrialization was essential to the development trajectories of today’s high-income countries The challenge for developing countries is to reproduce this experience under changed global conditions, while avoiding past mistakes.

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Why industrial policy?

Industrial policy must have structural transformation as its guiding principle. This requires coming up with a suitable institutional framework that combines both horizontal and vertical policy interventions to help improve domestic firms’ capabilities.

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Designing an industrial strategy

Industrial policy must be strategic, but at the same time adaptable. Components of the strategy include political economy analysis; the setting of objectives; diagnostics; implementation of horizontal policies; and implementation of vertical policies.

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We aim to reshape public debates on development strategies.

If you are interested in collaborating or finding out more about our project, please get in touch.